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Autonomous Colleges in Assam

List of Autonomous Institutes in Assam

Autonomous Colleges in Assam: Did you know that Assam has 06 autonomous colleges, under 2 universities? The education landscape in the state is diverse and rich, offering students a wide range of academic opportunities. In this article, we will explore the significance of autonomous college in Assam, their impact on the education system, and the benefits they offer to students. Join us as we delve into the world of autonomous colleges and uncover the reasons behind their growing popularity in the state.

Assam Autonomous College Overview

TopicAutonomous Colleges Assam
No. of Universities02
No. of Colleges06
Official Websitewww.ugc.gov.in
HomepageClick here

List of Autonomous Colleges in Assam

University NameCollegesDetails
Dibrugarh University, Assam04View
Gauhati University, Guwahati02View