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Gratuity Calculation 2025 | Maximum Limit 25 Lakhs – Check Now

Gratuity Calculation 2025: Limit Increased to 25 Lakh from 1.1.2024

The Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation, in a recent development outlined in their official letter dated 30th April 2024, has taken a significant step forward by enhancing the maximum limit of retirement gratuity and death gratuity by a substantial 25%. This welcome change sees the maximum limit of these gratuities raised from Rs.20 lakh to Rs.25 lakh. The revision has been implemented in light of the decision to revise the Dearness Allowance payable to Central Government employees to 50% of the basic pay, effective from the 1st of January 2024.

Online Gratuity Calculation Calculator 2025

Gratuity is a sum of money given as a token of appreciation for an employee’s long and dedicated service upon retirement. This lump sum amount is a gesture of recognition for the years of hard work and commitment the employee has put into the organization. It serves as a financial cushion for the retiree as they transition into this new phase of life and is a way for the company to express gratitude for their contributions over the years.

TopicGratuity Calculator
BeneficiariesEmployees in India
Ceiling25 Lakhs from 1.1.2024
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Understanding Gratuity and Its Importance After Retirement

Online Gratuity Calculator for Government and Private Employees 2024: The Gratuity is a significant benefit offered to central government employees, encompassing three key aspects. First and foremost, there is the Retirement Gratuity, which serves as a token of appreciation for the dedication and commitment shown by employees during their tenure. Secondly, the Death Gratuity provides financial support to the family of an employee in the unfortunate event of their demise. Lastly, the Service Gratuity acknowledges and rewards employees for their continuous service to the organization.

This lump sum amount is granted to employees who have served a minimum of five years. However, under the rules of the central government, an Employee may receive Service Gratuity even if their total qualifying service is less than ten years, emphasizing the value placed on employee loyalty and dedication in the governmental sector.

Retirement Gratuity Calculation Formula

Retirement gratuity is a financial benefit that is calculated at 1/4th of a month’s Basic Pay plus Dearness Allowance drawn on the date of retirement for each completed six-month period of qualifying service. This means that for every half-year of service, a quarter of the Basic Pay and DA at the time of retirement is granted as gratuity.

Notably, there is no minimum limit specified for the amount of gratuity, ensuring that employees are fairly compensated regardless of the length of their service. For those who have dedicated 33 years or more to their work, the retirement gratuity is calculated at an impressive 16½ times the Basic Pay plus DA, with a maximum cap set at Rs. 25 lakhs. This substantial gratuity amount recognizes and rewards the long and dedicated service of individuals who have committed many years to their profession.

Service Gratuity Calculation Formula

A retiring Government servant who has served for less than 10 years will be entitled to receive service gratuity instead of a pension. The amount of service gratuity is calculated as half of the month’s basic pay last drawn plus the dearness allowance for each completed 6 monthly period of qualifying service. This one-time lump sum payment is separate from retirement gratuity and is provided in addition to the retirement gratuity.

Why Calculating Takes 26 Days Instead of 31 – Explained

As per the regulations outlined in the Indian Labor Law, the maximum number of working days in a month is set at 26 to accommodate the entitlement of employees to a day of rest each week. Therefore, calculations are based on 26 days instead of the full count of 31, reflecting the legal framework that seeks to ensure adequate rest periods for workers.

Calculate Death Gratuity – Easy Guide

The Death Gratuity is a one-time payment provided to the designated beneficiary or next of kin of a government employee who dies while in service. This payment amount is not based on the deceased employee’s length of service. The criteria for eligibility for the death gratuity are established by the government, with the highest permissible amount, as of January 1, 2016, set at Rs. 20 lakhs.

The computation for the qualifying service period is as follows: twice the basic pay for service less than one year; six times the basic pay for service of one year or more but less than five years; twelve times the basic pay for service of five years or more but less than eleven years; twenty times the basic pay for service of eleven years or more but less than twenty years; and half of the emoluments for each completed six-month period of qualifying service beyond twenty years, capped at a maximum of thirty-three times the emoluments.

Qualifying ServiceRate
Less than one year2 times of basic pay
One year or more but less than 5 years6 times of basic pay
5 years or more but less than 11 years12 times of basic pay
11 years or more but less than 20 years20 times of basic pay
20 years or moreHalf of the emoluments for every completed 6 monthly periods of qualifying service are subject to a maximum of 33 times of emoluments.