एएफएस मेमौरा केवी स्कूल प्रवेश 2025-26 पंजीकरण अंतिम तिथि, लॉटरी परिणाम, चयन सूची
To stay informed about the admission process for Balvatika classes at AFS Memaura Kendriya Vidyalaya, make sure to check this page frequently for the latest information on online registration, the date and results of the lottery draw, the initial selection list, and other important updates.
AFS Memaura KV School Admission 2025-26 Highlights
KV School Name
AFS Memaura
Admission Academic Year
KV AFS Memaura School Region
KV AFS Memaura School Code
KV AFS Memaura CBSE Code
KV AFS Memaura Affiliation Code
KV AFS Memaura UDISE Code
KV AFS Memaura Balvatika-3 Section
KV AFS MemauraBalvatika-2 Section
KV AFS MemauraBalvatika-1 Section
KV AFS MemauraClass-1 Section
KV AFS Memaura Address
Air Force Station, Memaura Post, Banthara
KV AFS Memaura Pincode
KV AFS Memaura Contact Number
0522286 4256
KV AFS Memaura E-Mail
KV AFS Memaura Student List
KV AFS Memaura Student List
KV AFS Memaura Staff List
KV AFS Memaura in
Uttar Pradesh
AFS Memaura KV School Admission 2025-26 Important Links